Contact A Family Article of Impact of Cuts to Spending on Respite

Extract from Contact a Family, 25 September 2015

Our new research shows that more than half of local authorities have cut spending on short breaks (respite services) for families with disabled children since 2011/12.

Short Breaks in 2015: An uncertain future [PDF], which we’ve published today with other charities as part of our Every Disabled Child Matters (EDCM) campaign, also shows that families are reporting it is more difficult to access short breaks.

We’re calling on the Chancellor to renew the government’s commitment to investing in short break services in this autumn’s spending review as he did in 2010. This will send a clear message to families that their huge contribution is valued and to local authorities that they must protect funding to disabled children services.

Full article including related documents can be found at

Hi - the link on this article is wrong! It is about crime prevention and not the Impact of cuts on Spending.

Thanks @KAWL for pointing this out. We’ve now corrected it up above!

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