Swallowing Difficulty

Thank you for your comments. He has had a Gastroscopy at the JR which came back as normal and also the biopsy results were normal but he still has the eating/swallowing problem. Have done an econsult to our Doctor to ask if any other investigations could be suggested. When faced with food he just stares at it as if he doesn’t want to or can’t eat. Eventually, he will eat, cutting food into minute pieces and taking around an hour to eat. Such a worry, I’m really dreading meal times but don’t want to pressure him. If I ask what’s wrong he just says “nothing”. If I ask if he has pain he says no but he looks so uncomfortable when he does eat that there must be something else going on. Wondering if it could be nodules on his thyroid or even a large tonsil stone but surely Gastrosopy would have picked this up. Sorry if I have repeated myself.