Activity during the day and evening in south oxfordhire

do anyboby know of activity during the day or evening in south oxfordshire for a 21 year old complex needs person please

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Hi, I don;t know if it is worth talking to Rhythmzone, who do drumming and music activities, as I think they may go as far as Reading.

Also may be worth a conversation with Style Acre to see if they have anything suitable as they do a lot in the South of the county.

Cornerstone Theatre at Didcot sometimes put on activities as well.

Maybe others have thoughts on opportunities?

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thankyou i know about all of them already rhythmzone does do drumming sesion,styleacre do not organise anything .

There is a music club she goes to at crowmarsh village hall on a monday that fab 11 to 12 rhythmzone do session at that,but a great club for complex needs