Farmability is recruiting volunteers!

FarmAbility, who run a farm-based programme for people with learning disabilities in Oxfordshire are currently recruiting volunteers. For more information about volunteering please visit the following webpage:

For those who don’t know about FarmAbility, here is an extract from their website that explains what they do:

FarmAbility is a farm-based programme for co-farmers, who are people over the age of 18 with learning disabilities and often also with autistic spectrum disorder. The programme runs 5 days a week (Monday to Friday), 50 weeks in the year (we close for a fortnight around Christmas and New Year). we also work with post 16 education settings to support students aged 16-19.

FarmAbility also offers co-farmers the chance to visit other farms and growing spaces around the county through our outreach partnerships. Co-farmers are able to try their hand at new activities at dairy farms, market gardens, community growing spaces and woodlands.

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