Future Funding of Social Care to be Capped

What are your views on the funding of social care? Is there a fairer way of doing things than the present system?

Oxfordshire currently have a consultation document out for people to have their say about their fairer charging policy. I know its another document requiring our input but worth doing.

Thanks for reminding us all about this important consultation.

Could you provide a link to the consultation? I am not at all familiar with the system but would be happy to submit my thoughts if it is possible to do that fairly simply, and online.

Here it is Esther I was sent a paper copy but it seems to be a bit random but if we have views we do need to let them know. Hope this helps

Consultation Homepage - Contributions Policy Consultation …

ensure a fairer and more consistent approach to assessing the financial contributions made by individuals towards the cost of the social care services they receive; simplify the financial assessment to make this a shorter and less invasive process; better align the charging arrangements with the guidance on charging in the …