Hi, thanks for letting me join the group. I’m step-mum to a 15 year old boy with Downs Syndrome. He visits us on a weekend every two weeks and longer during the school holidays. He attends a school for children with severe & profound learning disabilities in Kent. I joined here as I’m conscious that we need to be providing him with opportunities to socialise during is visits to us in Oxfordshire. He loves films, music & dancing so I’m looking for anything we can do as a family that will pique his interests and support his needs. Thank you!
Hello Mum2four, There’s plenty going on in Oxfordshire if he likes films, music and dancing.
See the recent posts about the first Makaton Folk Festival - this is on the LDOX Facebook page.Also Anjali the dance group for people with learning disability.
Soundabout run excellent music sessions and Thomley Hall have plenty of activities at their Adventure Centre to name but a few.
The Cornerstone Theatre at Didcot run plenty of activities for all ages and do some fantastic work there with people with any special needs.
Yellow Submarine run holiday breaks and activities for young people with learning disabilities- and they have two fab cafes - one in Park End Street and one at the Windrush Leisure Centre at Witney.
The Directory has a lot of contact details.
Thanks so much for this information - will definitely look into these
You’re welcome!
If you come across anything that is also useful to other families, do let us know too!
In the north of the county (Banbury and surrounding areas) Let’s Play offer school holiday activities, www.letsplaybanbury.org
Thanks for the info, that’s s great help !