National Survey on Workforce Development for People with Learning Disabilities

Inclusion East CIC has been commissioned by Health Education England (HEE) to do a really fast piece of work, that will enable the views and ideas of people with learning disabilities and/or autism, and their families/unpaid supporters, to be included in the development of HEE’s very first Long Term Workforce Strategy.

We must give our sincere apologies for the fact that the timescales are so very short but HEE want this piece of work to tie in with the NHS 10 Year Plan, which means that you are all being invited to various events happening at around the same time, before the end of September!

If you think that having a good workforce to support and serve people with learning disabilities and/or autism is important, and you would like to be involved, please complete this survey: and pass it on to relevant individuals, families and groups, ideally by 9th September, but definitely by 23rd September 2018. It will take about 10 minutes for individuals to complete, depending on how much detail they want to add, and may take a bit longer for groups depending on how much discussion takes place!