Oral Health Summer Series
Oxfordshire Community Dental Services will be delivering three webinars in June and July. These three events are aimed at staff who work in care homes and registered care settings in the community and will support you to become an Oral Health Champion in your service.
You need to attend all three webinars to qualify for Champion status. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to make a positive impact on people’s smiles! Register now to secure your spot.
26 June, 3-4 pm
Oral Health - Champion Training: freshen up!
This first event will freshen up your knowledge on oral health!
3 July, 3-4 pm
Championing Oral Health for your residents & clients This second event will give you the tools to Champion good Oral Health is your service supporting your service to meet CQC requirements under Safe, Caring and Responsive.
24 July, 3-4 pm Championing Oral Health and supporting the management of your
service This third event shows you how to use your knowledge of Oral Health to support the successful management of residents or clients in your service supporting CQC Well Led.