Q & A WITH ADULT SOCIAL CARE Botley, Oxford 10am - 12.30pm Wednesday 13th March 2024


Dean Court Community Centre, Botley

Wednesday 13th March 2024

10.00am - 12.30pm

Our next event is Q & A with Adult Social Care.

This is a great opportunity to speak with professionals from Adult Social Care to ask them any questions you have about support, assessments, supported living, day services, work and managing finance for the person you care for.

The event will be attended by the director and deputy director of Adult Social Care, and representatives from the finance team, commissioning, learning disability operations team and director payments team.

We look forward to seeing you there. Please book by scanning the QR code on the poster, or by clicking the link below.


To book onto Q&A with Adult Social Care - click here

Our Upcoming Events

Here are our events we have lined up this Spring. You can book onto any of these using the link button under the poster.


Click here to book onto any of the above events

Copyright (C) 2024 Oxfordshire Family Support Network. All rights reserved.



Wednesday 13th March 2024

10.00am - 12.00pm

Due to a low number of signups for the Q and A adult social care event, we have made the decision to move it from a face to face to an online event so the Q and A with adult social care will now take place ONLINE on Wednesday 13th March via zoom starting at 10.00 am. Apologies to those who have already signed up to attend in person. We hope you will still be able to join us online.

If you cannot make the event but have a question you would like to ask, please submit them to OxFSN by Tuesday 12th March by emailing them to info@oxfsn.org.uk
To book - click here