Hello there, just came across the site - a great idea and really good
to see people getting together in this way online.
Having had a wander round the site I was surprised to see very little
on the County Council’s so called “Big Plan” commissioning strategy
for 2016, something that will potentially have a fundamental effect on
how people who have a learning disability get their health and social
care in Oxfordshire. In my experience as a public servant meeting
people, their families and support networks everyday, few people seem
to be aware of the Big Plan and even less have understood the
potential impact it will have.
Are there any plans to raise the profile of the Big Plan, what it is
going to do to services and how people can influence what is happening
on the site?
Thanks for raising the issue of the Big Plan - Oxfordshire’s Joint Learning Disability Strategy 2015 – 2018. We certainly expect the implementation of the Big Plan to be an issue discussed extensively on here on LDOX.Org As you say it will potentially have a fundamental effect on how people who have a learning disability get their health and social care in Oxfordshire.
For those who are unaware of the Big Plan, a number of documents about it can be found here: http://bit.ly/LDOX17 It is a plan which describes how Oxfordshire County Council and the NHS Oxfordshire Clinical Commissioning Group plan to provide effective social and health care services for people with learning disabilities in Oxfordshire until 2018.
Since the end of the consultation period about the The Big Plan there doesn’t appear to have been many public updates (which can be found on the web). The only ones we have found are reports going to the Cabinet of Oxfordshire County Council and Governing Bodies of parts of the NHS.
It would be great to hear what is happening with the implementation.