The Whispering Jungle at Cornerstone Arts Centre (multi-sensory theatre for young people with PMLD), Didcot, 4 & 5 November 2023

The Whispering Jungle is coming to Cornerstone Arts Centre in Didcot on Saturday 4 November to Sunday 5 November at 11am and 1.30pm.

Concrete Youth’s new multi-sensory theatre production, The Whispering Jungle, brings together ASMR, sensory play and sensory puppets in an immersive touring production for young audiences with profound and multiple learning disabilities. Come and help the animals of the rainforest rebuild their home and realise that home really is wherever you’re with your family.

This is a theatre show made specially for audiences labelled with profound and multiple learning disabilities (PMLD).

Tickets: £9.50, this price admits one audience member with PMLD and 1-2 carers.

To book & find more information about the show please visit our website. or contact us at 01235 515144.