Urgent Call for Contributions for A National Human Rights Exhibition

Please read this “call to arms” from Mark Neary’s blog here.People are working across the UK to raise the issue of the human rights of people with learning disabilities.

He writes" Firstly, Alicia Wood and myself went to a meeting with Liberty and the Equality & Human Rights Commission (EHRC). One of the outcomes is that their legal teams are currently looking into bringing a group action for human rights abuses either against a commissioning body or a provider. Getting a judge to examine such a case and to deliver a ruling could go a long way in shifting the narrative and would send a very strong message that the law cannot be ignored just because the person has a learning disability.

The second action, and this is where you come in, resulted from a meeting last week of families and concerned professionals. We decided to hold an event that will focus solely on the human rights of people with learning disabilities. The vehicle for this will be an online exhibition which will be held for a week from Monday 24th September and will be called “Rightful Lives”.
To read how you can help provide materials for the online exhibition, please email them at – exhibition@rightfullives.net . We will send you a link to a Dropbox to upload your content and a consent form.