Hi. I am new to this online community. I am writing on behalf of my son who will be turning 19 very soon and has significant learning disabilities. My son is supported for outreach activities in the evenings on school days and on weekends and school holidays. The current support is double handed as my son will present with challenging behavior in the community. The current agency who was supporting us have informed that due to staffing difficulties they wont be able to continue and I am now urgently looking for either individuals or agencies to initiate some conversations. We are looking for drivers (Automatic). I have any “any driver” insurance on my car. I would be grateful if senior members of the forum here can guide me to some resources where I can find a list of agencies in Oxfordshire.
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Have you looked on the Live Well site, it’s on the OCC website?
Look at Small Good stuff website too, they are developing the market.
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