What does joined up care mean to you? Healthwatch Oxfordshire Survey close 28 July 2023

Healthwatch Oxfordshire want to hear from you about your experience of ‘joined up care’ in Oxfordshire.

What is this about?
Health and care services are working to become more integrated in the care they provide for patients. This means care from health professionals and across different services will be more ‘joined up’ around people’s needs.

What do we want to know and why?
NHS health and social care services are moving towards better integration and co-ordination.
It is important to hear what this means for patient experience of care.

Your views will help to help shape the support people need and to improve services as we will share what we hear with decision makers.

Who are Healthwatch Oxfordshire?
Healthwatch Oxfordshire is an independent charity for people who use health and social care services. We find out what matters to local people and make sure their views are heard by the people who make decisions about those services.

This survey is anonymous - you do not have to say who you are and we will not identify you.

You can complete the survey at:

Please note this survey will close on Friday 28th July 2023.