want to know what around for a 19yrs old complex need young lady,love disco,swimming trampolining etc day time and evening please:
Dear Julie626 South Oxfordshire Mencap runs 4 discos a year, swimming at Gillotts, and its Meteor Club meets each Thursday evening for a range of activities. Contact Paul on 07771526656
The Chiltern Centre for Disabled Children Breakaway Club has access to the Centre`s trampolining.Contact Jacqui on 01491 575 575
Hi, it may be worth exploring possible events in Reading as they are relatively easy to get to from the South of the County, such as Rivermead Leisure Centre.
or Reading Mencap http://www.readingmencap.org.uk/for-adults
Hi Julie626
Are you aware of The Music Club http://www.music4disabledchildren.org.uk? They hold regular events in South Oxfordshire.
Another option might be the Nightclub/Disco events in Wantage. Details can be found here: https://forum.ldox.org/t/nightclub-disco-for-adults-with-learning-difficulties-wantage/165 Beware though that the venue is unfortunately not accessible to people who use wheelchairs.
Hopefully some other members will add to the suggestions already made.